Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Why did they called themselves 'Orang Belanda'?

Orang Belanda means they are Dutch, but not many among them are Dutch. Their leaders were of Scottish and Norwegians. How could they be Dutch? Was it just a joke? Not really. Truly they were Dutch residents in Bantam (some preferred to call it Bantan),Jawa when their Master John Cluines Ross brought them to Cocos Islands to work on his coconut plantation. Some people preferred to call him King of Cocos. That was how 'Orang Belanda' came about. It could bring the wrong meaning if not understood and properly explained.Now they are called Komuniti Cocos in Malaysia and Malay in Australia.They are truly Malay. They have no language other than Malay. They professed the Muslim religion, but maintained their old practise of a get together called Kondangan and Menolong, among others which was inherited from the Island of Java and the Malay Archipelago.

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